تتبع الحافلات والقطارات المفضلة لديك في الوقت الفعلي. لا تنتظر في المطر مرة أخرى! تعبت من الانتظار في محطة الحافلات ، مليئة بالقلق؟ هل تحلم بـ AW
تتبع الحافلات والقطارات المفضلة لديك في الوقت الفعلي. Never wait in the rain again!
Tired of waiting at the bus stop, full of anxiety? Do you dream of a world where questions like "where is the bus?" and "when will it be here?" can be answered without crystal balls and satellite surveillance? Dream no more; the future is now! The TransLoc app's popular real-time vehicle tracking shows you where the bus is and when it will arrive at the stops it services. With up-to-the-minute visualizations you can finally take the guesswork out of public transit.
• Real-time bus, shuttle, and train tracking in your hands.
• Prediction technology that goes beyond simple schedules to provide remarkably accurate arrival times.
• Announcements about service interruptions and more delivered instantly to your device.
• User feedback options that let you directly message TransLoc AND your transit provider. Make your voice heard!
TransLoc is available for the following transit agencies:
Adelphi University
Atlantic Station - FREE RIDE
Auburn University - Tiger Transit
Ball State University
Biola University
Boston College - BC Shuttle
Boston University - The Bus
Bowling Green State University - BGSU Shuttle Service
Brandeis University
Bucknell University
Capital Area Transit
Cary Transit
Chapel Hill Transit
Chapman University
Chicago Transit Authority
Children's Hospital Boston - CHB Employee Shuttles
City of Cerritos, California - Cerritos On Wheels
City of Monona, Wisconsin - Monona Express
Columbia University - Shuttle
Duke University - Duke Buses
Durham Area Transit Authority
Eastern Connecticut State University - University Transportation
Emory University - Emory Shuttle
Fairfield University
Florida International University
Florida State University
Fordham University
Harvard University - Harvard Shuttle
High Point Market
High Point University
IndeBus Transit System
Jacksonville State University - Gamecock Express
Jacksonville University - JU Shuttle
Johnson & Wales University (Providence and North Miami Campuses) - JWU Ride
Kennesaw State University - KSU Shuttle
La Salle University - University Shuttle
Lamar University
Lawrence Technological University
Life University
Louisiana State University - Tiger Trails
MASCO - Boston, MA - LMA Shuttle
Mansfield University
Mercer University - Trolley
Montgomery County Community College
Morgan State University
NAIPTA - Mountain Link
NC State University - The Wolfline
NC State College of Engineering
NMDOT Park & Ride
Nantucket Regional Transit Authority - The NRTA Wave
Nashville International Airport
New York University - University Transportation
Northern Arizona University - NAU Transit
Oakland University
Ohio State University Medical Center
Penn State Hershey Medical Center
Philadelphia University
Princeton University - TigerTransit
Quinnipiac University
Rhode Island College
Rhode Island School of Design
Robert Morris University
Robert W. Woodruff Library
Saint Joseph's University
San Jose, Mineta International Airport
Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
Savannah College of Art & Design (Savannah and Atlanta Campuses) - The Bee Line
Southern Illinois University Carbondale - Saluki Express
Stevens Institute of Technology
Texas Christian University - TCU Shuttle
Triangle Transit - GoLive by TransLoc
University of Alabama - CrimsonRide
University of Alabama at Birmingham
جامعة أريزونا
University of Chicago - The Bus System
University of Florida - Regional Transit System (RTS)
University of Kentucky - Cat Tracker
University of Maryland, Baltimore County - UMBC Transit
University of Memphis - U. of Memphis Transit
University of New Hampshire
University of New Haven - UNH Shuttle
University of North Alabama
University of North Florida - Osprey Connector
University of Rochester
University of Tennessee
University of Toledo - Transit Services
University of Vermont
University of Virginia
University of West Florida
University of Western Sydney
University of Wyoming Roundup
Virginia Commonwealth University
Widener University
Yale University - Yale Transit
We're rolling out a another summer update to make your transit experience even more rich.
New in 1.11.5
• Support added for LG G3
• Bug Fixes.
Hungry for more features? Hold on to your seat! We have heard your feedback and we are prepping for a major update at the end of summer. It's going to be very cool.
Wishing you a smooth ride and a quick arrival,